
La nostra filosofia

I vini sono come gli uomini.
Ci sono quelli timidi e introversi, quelli superbi, quelli che ti conquistano. Quelli puntuali e quelli perennemente in ritardo. Permalosi, indulgenti, decisi, generosi, equilibrati. Ci sono i compagni di una sera, e quelli su cui potrai contare per anni. Poi ci sono i vini artefatti, quelli che indossano una maschera.
E quelli naturali, autentici, esattamente come mamma li ha fatti.
vino biodinamico

Benvenuti a Palazzo Tronconi.
Le vigne, le camere, l’Osteria, il vino biodinamico: affidati alle nostre genti, allunga loro le mani e sapranno regalarti momenti di serenità ed ebrezza.

vino biodinamico

Coltiviamo gli antichi vitigni arcesi che resero famose le nostre campagne in tutto il Regno di Napoli. Il Lecinaro e l’Ulivello nero, il Pampanaro, il Capolongo ed il Maturano bianco, oltre a Malvasia Puntinata, Moscato di Terracina e Syrah, sono coltivati in equilibrio tra cielo e terra secondo i dettami dell’agricoltura biodinamica.

vino biodinamico

Nel cuore della Ciociaria, Palazzo Tronconi è pronto ad accogliervi nel centro storico medievale di Arce. Vi accompagneremo in visita tra i vigneti del nostro podere, servendovi in degustazione i nostri vini biodinamici da vitigni autoctoni locali. I nostri chef vi faranno conoscere le prelibatezze della cucina territoriale.



Maturano, Pampanaro e Capolongo
Blend di vitigni autoctoni
Blend di vitigni autoctoni

Seguiamo il respiro della terra, la stagione delle piogge, il tempo del sole, per recuperare il miglior equilibrio tra l’azione dell’uomo e i cicli della natura. Consideriamo il suolo come un organismo vivente, e, in quanto tale, lo rispettiamo, assecondando i suoi ritmi e le sue necessità.
Da questo nuovo metodo agricolo, che agisce nel pieno rispetto della vite, nasce il nostro vino biodinamico.
È il frutto del legame con il territorio, unico protagonista del lavoro nei campi, e di una nuova fertilità, ricostituita eliminando dal “convenzionale” processo di produzione del vino quanti più “elementi di disturbo”: diserbo chimico, fertilizzazione chimica, addizioni e stabilizzazioni forzate in cantina.
Sensibilità, passione, amore per la terra sono i principi ispiratori della nostra produzione, volta a recuperare i benefici che la natura, una volta, ci offriva gratuitamente.
Una sfida ambiziosa, che ci vede al centro di una trasformazione: impegnati a produrre i “vini di un tempo” e, contemporaneamente, a gettare le basi per i vini del futuro.


"The whole experience was a magnificent feast from beginning to end. Not only was it a feast for ones eyes, taste buds and senses but also for ones soul. Nature if loved and looked after really heals your body, mind and spirit and Marco has and is doing this with his land and all his friends, staff and connections. The hotel was so beautiful, every inch of it was restored by master craftsmen and it just sparkled. We were nourished and nurtured by the wonderful Marie Therese, Sarah and Pierre Luigi.  We visited the vineyard and winery, tasted samples of the wines in situ seeing the journey that the grapes go through. We also went to the best cheese maker who also owns Casa Lawrence, - he was amazing. It was like something out of all the books and movies I have seen about Italy. Marco sources the finest of the finest and shares it with his guests, it is like an insiders look into how good food can be. Just loved Giuseppe's pizza's and I am very fussy about pizza's. We were also treated to a day at Sperlonga , oh my word, we had sun loungers waiting for us followed by a scrummy lunch on the beach. Wherever we went we arrived as strangers but were treated like friends, I just love the open hearts of the people. I believe it is a reflection of the beauty of their land . If you want to see how good life can be then go and see the magic for yourself."

Jessica Standing
Jessica StandingStroud, Gloucestershire

"The whole experience was a magnificent feast from beginning to end. Not only was it a feast for ones eyes, taste buds and senses but also for ones soul. Nature if loved and looked after really heals your body, mind and spirit and Marco has and is doing this with his land and all his friends, staff and connections. The hotel was so beautiful, every inch of it was restored by master craftsmen and it just sparkled. We were nourished and nurtured by the wonderful Marie Therese, Sarah and Pierre Luigi.  We visited the vineyard and winery, tasted samples of the wines in situ seeing the journey that the grapes go through. We also went to the best cheese maker who also owns Casa Lawrence, - he was amazing. It was like something out of all the books and movies I have seen about Italy. Marco sources the finest of the finest and shares it with his guests, it is like an insiders look into how good food can be. Just loved Giuseppe's pizza's and I am very fussy about pizza's. We were also treated to a day at Sperlonga , oh my word, we had sun loungers waiting for us followed by a scrummy lunch on the beach. Wherever we went we arrived as strangers but were treated like friends, I just love the open hearts of the people. I believe it is a reflection of the beauty of their land . If you want to see how good life can be then go and see the magic for yourself."

Jessica Standing
Jessica StandingStroud, Gloucestershire

"The whole experience was a magnificent feast from beginning to end. Not only was it a feast for ones eyes, taste buds and senses but also for ones soul. Nature if loved and looked after really heals your body, mind and spirit and Marco has and is doing this with his land and all his friends, staff and connections. The hotel was so beautiful, every inch of it was restored by master craftsmen and it just sparkled. We were nourished and nurtured by the wonderful Marie Therese, Sarah and Pierre Luigi.  We visited the vineyard and winery, tasted samples of the wines in situ seeing the journey that the grapes go through. We also went to the best cheese maker who also owns Casa Lawrence, - he was amazing. It was like something out of all the books and movies I have seen about Italy. Marco sources the finest of the finest and shares it with his guests, it is like an insiders look into how good food can be. Just loved Giuseppe's pizza's and I am very fussy about pizza's. We were also treated to a day at Sperlonga , oh my word, we had sun loungers waiting for us followed by a scrummy lunch on the beach. Wherever we went we arrived as strangers but were treated like friends, I just love the open hearts of the people. I believe it is a reflection of the beauty of their land . If you want to see how good life can be then go and see the magic for yourself."

Jessica Standing
Jessica StandingStroud, Gloucestershire
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