Tag: winemaker

Spring Work On the Vineyard – Grafting Grape Vines

Grafting is a technique we use on the vineyard to propagate, this week we have been grafting Lecinaro and Pampanaro. The vines to be grafted are healthy and vigorous cuttings, without disease or insects, and relatively young. A process that requires much patience and practice, grafting only works when you bind healthy cuttings to healthy

Planting a Super High Density Biodynamic Olive Grove

Ciao from Arce Italy is a country in which extra virgin olive oil is a product of excellence. Olives have been part of Lazio’s agriculture and landscape for centuries with evidence that oil was being produced in the region about 4,000 years ago. Today, I started work on planting a super high density olive grove, 900

Winter Work on the Vineyard: Simonit & Sirch’s Guyot Pruning Method

Today we made a start on pruning 14 hectares of vines, pruning is the first action we take to our future vintage. Allowing organic growth, Simonit & Sirch’s guyot method is key to the longevity of our vines, prevention of disease whilst respecting vascular flow through the structure of the vines. The cuts were covered

Beekeeping in Italy
Beekeeping in Italy

Life is Bee-utiful at Palazzo Tronconi, Italy Conserving our Flora and Fauna Bees are essential to our eco system. They are responsible for almost a third of the food we eat. Their ecological and morphological characteristics make them valuable in the preservation of our environment. So, as a biodynamic winemaker obsessed with ecology and natural



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